No One Becomes Great Without Enthusiasm!

ONe of my favorite podcasts is Molly Fletcher’s Game Changers. She is a former sports agent who interviews high achievers in all walks of life. This weeks guest was Mike Greenberg.

I love this podcast because you get an unvarnished look into what it really takes to be great at anything! My take away from Greenberg was no one becomes great at anything without enthusiasm for what they do!

I know this is true from my own experience. It is why I walked away from being a lawyer. Even though I had the intelligence, education, and aptitude I had absolutely no enthusiasm for the law. I could not see living the next 40 or 50 years of my life arguing over details, writing legal briefs, researching the law, or filing motion after motion. It makes me want to pull my fingernails out just thinking about it.

It is also why I am a business consultant and peak performance coach. I love helping businesses and individuals achieve greatness! The game of constant improvement, overcoming setbacks, emotional control, leadership, mindset, teamwork, and strategy are endlessly fascinating to me!

Knowing what separates good from great and learning how to use those levers is the focus of my life and what gets me excited. It is my purpose and reason for bing.

Do you feel the same way about what you are doing with your life? Are you waking up each day with excitement and enthusiasm or are you a member of the legion of the unjazzed who go through life in a haze never leaving their mark on the world?

#RyonEsquire #NoLimits #NFLAlumni @Mollywfletcher @ESPNgreeny #GameChangers #GETUP  #Enthusiasm #BeLegendary


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