Reinvention Will Create Your Future!

Reinvention is the key to never being left behind.

As a result of losing my vision, living in the middle of nowhere, and not being able to drive I grew up hanging out with my parents and their friends a lot. I listened to all kinds of stories from people who were in their 80s and 90s when I was only 12 to 18 years old. These stories gave me a unique perspective compared to many of my peers.

Looking back now, two things strike me. First, how much technical and societal change that has occurred since the 1920s. Second, how much more rapid change is occurring since the early 2000s.

The pace of change is only increasing. This means in order to stay relevant you must continually change and reinvent yourself!

This is so hard for many. ONe reason is people tie their identity to their job. When People ask who you are, is one of your answers what you do for work? Ie, I am an accountant, CEO, teacher.

When our identity is tied to our job and that job is lost, we are lost. Questions like who am I now, and what can I do if my job is no longer available? This loss of identity can lead to some dark places.

To combat this change your identity to something larger than your work. My identity is that of a stoic warrior. These two words and what they represent to me shape who I am and how I view the world. They are not tied to a specific job. They are tied to who I am and who I want to be as a person.

In addition, part of stoicism is accepting the situation for what it is and not wishing for something different. Part of being a warrior is being highly adaptable to constantly changing environments. You can see how my identity allows me to accept change, embrace the future, and adapt to circumstances as they are not how I wish they were. This identity allows me to continually reinvent myself and stay relevant today and into an ever changing future.

If you are feeling lost, left behind, and know your current identity is no longer beneficially serving you, lets talk. A few conversations can change everything!

#RyonEsquire #NoLImits #NFLAlumni #BusinessConsultant #PeakPerformance #Mindset #change #Identity #Leadership #Teamwork #Culture #Business #Reinvention #Future #BeLegendary


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Trust is the Foundation!