You Must Move Slow to Change!

American’s have a cultural philosophy of move fast and break things. America as a country loves the new! Whatever is invented today must be better than what it replaced. I am a product of my culture and tend to view the world this way.

The further along my journey of self development I travel the more I question this belief. Moving fast, accepting change, learning quickly, and constantly looking toward the future have their advantages. It is exciting, innovative, and dynamic. It is also, temporary, shallow, and short sighted.

Today’s rapid rate of change constantly keeps people on their toes. We are all in an ever state of movement. It is all about moving forward. We never stop to question, analyze, or explore ideas or technology on a deeper level.

This is where my fear is focused. Happiness, growth, and change all start from within the individual. You must look within to effect change without. How can anyone change the world if they cannot first examine and change themself? How can anyone change themself without first stopping and questioning? The answer is, they cannot.

In order to truly change as a person one must stop, unplug, question, contemplate, and decide what needs to b changed. Often this is not a fast painless process. It is messy, takes time, and is an ongoing evolution.

We as a culture must take the time to unplug, question, examine, and decide for ourselves is this the life I desire, am I living according to my wants and desires or someone else’s, am I happy and fulfilled, is there a better way?

##RyonEsquire #NoLimits #NFLAlumni #BusinessConsultant #PeakPerformance #Leader #ThoughtLeader #Leadership #Culture #Teamwork #Business #Change #Evolution #SelfDevelopment #BeLegendary


Clarity Creates Energy!


No One Becomes Great Without Enthusiasm!