Trust is the Foundation!

What made your week?

This is the name of a Slack group created by one of Robert Glazer’s employees. The first post was by an employee who just got accepted to run her first Boston Marathon.

The group has continued for years and the posts have become more intimate.

The unforeseen benefit of this group was the trust it built. Trust cannot exists without vulnerability.

The uniting theme of this group allowed people to share exciting news about their personal lives. It allowed teammates to see beyond the professional relationship and learn other deeper aspects of their coworkers lives. In short, it created trust.

High performing teams cannot exist without trust! It is the fundamental element in the creation of a high performing team.

On the surface this group looks like it’s sole benefit is to relax a little and share highlights, its true benefit is as a platform for people to be vulnerable, share, learn about their teammates, and create trust.

Are you creating an environment that fosters trust? Are you allowing your people to be vulnerable, share about themselves, and develop that trust which is ultimately necessary for successful high performing teams?

Todays’ current economic landscape is more difficult than ever. It is hard to find qualified employees and once you do, it is even harder to develop a high performing team. Developing a culture of high performance is your competitive edge! I can help your company become that high performing team.

#RyonEsquire #NoLimits #NFLAlumni #BusinessConsultant #PeakPerformance #Leadership #Culture #Teamwork #HighPerformingTeams #CompetitiveEdge #BeLegendary


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