Marriage of Art and Science!

Experts are great at one thing; giving you the so called one right answer!

Humans love certainty, and when someone we think is successful loudly proclaims, “this is the way to do it,” we tend to believe. It is easier to buy on the approval of others and lean into the assumption of success rather than do the research and become an expert ourselves. After all, one person cannot be an expert in everything.

The reality is, there is never one way to do something or one right answer. Even in math, 2+2 is 4, but so is 5-1. In business, as in life, there are fundamental principles not one right answer. What works for you may not work for me.

My favorite example is all the books and information proclaiming successful people get up at 4:00 am and take control of their day by being more productive than everyone else before 8:00 am. I will not deny the value of starting off your day powerfully. If you are a morning person, this will be your most productive time of day. Plus, if you are up before the messiness of life starts you can do deep work without distraction.

However, if you are a night person, getting up this early will do nothing other than make you angry, tired, less productive, and leave you feeling unsatisfied. Night owls can be just as productive as early risers, it is more about knowing yourself, your schedule, your lifestyle, and when you are most alert creative and productive.

The fundamental principle in this example is knowing the elements that will lead to your success and understanding what time of day you perform those elements at your highest level and building your schedule around your peak performance times.

To me, this is the true essence of coaching. Understanding funidmental principles, understanding human behavior, understanding business, understanding team dynamics, and creating solutions that work best for that person and those circumstances. It is the marriage of art and science.

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Trust is the Foundation!


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