It Only Takes One Bad Apple to Destroy a Team!

What is more important, hiring for skills or hiring for attributes?

There is always a question regarding hiring. Do you hire someone who already has the skills you are looking for so you can plug and play them into their role, or do you hire someone who has the personality traits to be a great member of your organization and train them up? The answer is and always will be hire based on the personality traits you Dean desirable.

Organizations are a blending of different personalities with hopefully complimentary skills. They are a team with team culture and dynamics. Well performing teams are a delicate balance. It only takes one bad teammate to destroy a high performing team or high functioning company culture.

This is why hiring the right person with the right personality traits is vital to continual high performing success. Culture can take years to build but only takes moments to ruin.

Depending on the type of industry the attributes you find desirable will be different. Organizations like accounting or medical lab work will covit highly detailed individuals. Conversely, organizations such as marketing or consulting will want people who are highly adaptible.

Regardless of your industry, the number one trait required for all members of a high performing team is trust! You must have people who buy into your thoughts, beliefs, processes, and culture. They must trust and believe in the mission of the organization. Additionally, all the current members must be able to trust the new member is competent, reliable, and places the needs of the group above individual needs.

Highly performing teams are not simply a result of leadership. They are also a result of being made up individuals who trust one another, are willing to learn, are competent, and have the correct balance of attributes.

If you are a leader of a team or organization who feels your team’s performance could improve. Reach out. I help turn good teams to great teams!

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