Become Your Ultimate Competitor!

While reading Arnold Schwarzenegger’s weekly newsletter I was struck by one part. His only competition while Mr. Universe was the man in the mirror.

I have heard the man in the mirror idea before. What brought it home was when he mentioned his calves were not big enough, he needed to work on them. He did not have enough definition, that was the next thing he needed to focus on.

It was not about his competitors. He was his only competition. He was the only one who could control how much work he was putting in each day. He was the only one who could control his diet each day.

By focusing on the only thing you can control, ie yourself, you know exactly what you need to work on in order to improve each day. YOu know what yesterday looked like. You know how much effort you put in today. You know what improvement looks like.

When you focus outside yourself you get a distorted picture. Most people put pictures of their best lifts, fastest times, and sexiest outfits. They do not post those lifts they failed, those days they cut a workout short, those days they rolled out of bed not looking their best. It creates the illusion of perfection!

Everyone has failures. Everyone suffers setbacks. Everyone has those days where they do not feel like putting in the effort. It is important to remember that. It is more important to stop comparing yourself to them. Move your focus inward. Become your ultimate competitor because you are the only one who knows your truth!

#RyonEsquire #NoLimits #NFLAlumni #BusinessConsultant #PeakPerformance #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #MrUniverse #Mindset #Focus #BeLegendary


Numbers Aren’t Enough!


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