Deep Thinking is Game Changing!

Deep thinking is a rare commodity.

We live in a world of distraction. Emails, texts, meetings, coworkers, personal drama, not to mention our own chattering minds. It is no wonder most of us rarely if ever do any actual deep thinking. Deep thinking requires a few things, time, space, and a lack of interruptions. The mind needs time to wander. To make connections. To examine from different angles and perspectives. None of this can happen if you are constantly losing focus.

Luckly, the solutions are simple. Unfortunately, the desciplain required is hard.

The solutions include turning off all unnecessary notifications. Schedule large blocks of time to work on the one or two most important tasks for the day. Set these blocks according to when you are most productive. Ie, are you a morning or afternoon person?

Learn what calms your mind. Does a few minutes of meditation focus your thoughts. Does being in nature for a short walk relax you? Maybe reading a few pages from a none work related book brings you clarity.

The goal is to create an environment so the mind can slide into flow and make those game changing connections.

Another key that few talk about is learning to say no. Over committing leads to a full schedule making  difficult to create blocks of time. Taking control of your time, ie saying no, prevents you from living a life and doing work that is important to others rather than important to you.

In a world of constant noise and superficial information thinking deeply is a paradigm altering shift that will change everything. It will allow you to devise better solutions, stand out from the crowd, and become a premium service.

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