Humanity Always Wins!

Generative AI spawns content it does not build businesses.

Generative AI is amazing at compiling large amounts of information and producing quality work. It is an acceleration partner. It speeds up the process of compiling, drafting, and automating. It is a master of tangible skills.

Like any tool it has it’s strengths and weaknesses. It is not a master of the intangible.

Generative AI does not have emotional intelligence, it does not have the ability to understand and manipulate team dynamics, it does not have leadership intuition.

These are the skills of the future! Understanding people, undersanding team dynamics, and the ability to creatively think outside the box and connect previously unconnected pieces of information.

LIke any disruptive technology generative AI will destroy jobs. It will also, according to history, create more jobs than it destroys. It is a tool to  leveraged and used. It is not a replacement for human insight, human vision, and human creativity.

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