The Present is a Gift!

While reading Ryan Holiday’s Daily Dad email a line stood out. We cannot keep living in the past if we are going to give in the present.

Holiday was discussing past traumas, mindsets, or values that keep us in old ways of thinking and behaving preventing us from being fully present, fully engaged, and preventing us from becoming the person we desire.

It is so easy to focus on the negative emotions and events from a bad relationship rather than focus on healing those wounds and creating those behaviors we know are beneficial to ourselves and any future relationship. It is extremely easy to remember what we did not have growing up rather than acknowledging the gifts we each receive.

All of these traumas cause emotional scars that keep us fearful, prevent us from trying, and ultimately stop us from living the amazing life we all deserve. It is a tragedy!

The answer is not simply become present focused. That is a temporary bandaid. YOu must instead focus on healing those old wounds, forgive past transgressions, and understand who you were does not have to determine who you are and become. This process of healing and forgiving removes those emotional trigger points keeping you rooted in yoru past and allows you to be firmly in the present.

The present is named such because each moment is a gift! That means life is meant to be cherished, enjoyed, appreciated, loved, and valued because each moment is finite.

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