You Can Control Your Reality!

Our brains are a neural networks. Basically, our brain evolved to  interpret data gathered by our five senses.

This means our mindset, which is our most important factor in success, is influenced by the people we know, the environment in which we live, work, and play, and the information we read, watch, and listen. This means as much as we like to think we are an island in an ocean. We are more like a ship in that same ocean. Constantly moving and adapting with the ever changing sea of information.

This is why two people can experience the exact same event and actually have two entirely different perspectives on that event. This is also why it is so important for your success to control the information gathered by your senses.

Mindset determines success! However, your mindset is 100% within your control. It just takes conscious effort to make those decisions which will strengthen and positively change your outlook on the world.

Facts maybe facts, but those facts are interpreted through mental frameworks created by your brain. Those frameworks reshape, reorder, and prioritize those facts  creating your reality. Knowing this, why would anyone choose to live in a world full of fear, never ending violence, and the downfall of humanity? While those facts maybe true, so are the facts supporting a world full of overwhelming world wide peace and prosperity, some of the lowest rates of violence in human history, and massive cooperation between nations.

You see, we live in the same world, but the information I consume and my mental frameworks create a world full of hope, peace, and prosperity. Taking control and developing a positive mindset is the single most powerful act you can do to create the life you desire and it is 100% within your control!

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The Present is a Gift!