Curiosity Equals Interesting!

Curiosity otherwise known as the beginners mind is the key to a rich interesting life!

A strong theme throughout my entire life is my deep desire to understand “why?” I am fascinated by the reasons people do anything and everything. If I can understand the why then I can understand the person and if I understand the person, their wants, needs, and motivations I can help them achieve their desires.

Being curious leads to interesting discussions and opportunities. It allows you to learn more about people, locations, industries, and whatever else people do. It is such a powerful way of connecting with others on a deeper level. It is what allows you to be interested in others and for others to find you interesting. Curiosity really does turn people into versions of the most interesting man in the world.

#RyonEsquire #NoLimits #NFLAlumni #BusinessConsultant #PeakPerformance #Leader #ThoughtLeader #Mindset #Culture #Teamwork #Curiosity #BeginnersMind #Model #RevolutionModels #BeLegendary


The Present is a Gift!


Try, Try, and Try Again!