Try, Try, and Try Again!

I recently went for a modeling test shoot. It went well and I ended up being signed. As much for my personality and professionalism as my look.

Now that the dust has settled a little there has been time to reflect. I am extremely excited for this opportunity! More so than many of the other opportunities that have come my way. It forced me to ask myself, “why?”

Before losing my vision my dream in life was to be an NFL quarterback. What I loved about that position and game was I had to be both physically, intellectually, and emotionally talented.

After losing my vision almost all of the arenas I could compete only involved my intellect and emotional components. I could be successful but it always felt empty, like a part of my being was missing.

It was, my physicality, which is extremely important to my identity was missing. Modeling gives me the opportunity to finally unite all three! I feel whole again!

Although modeling appears to just be the physical, if you step back and look at what goes into the career it is multifasited. The final product, the picture, is the physical. Being in shape and positioning your body to get the best shot. All of the marketing, bios, and conversations are the intellectual. The challenge of growing my brand and making the best career decisions tap into the mental arena of this game. Finally, the emotional side. Showing up, being happy, handling the pressures and criticisms are necessary to thrive despite the noise.

This journey has reminded me of an important lesson. Finding something in life that taps into those areas of your personality that you hold important. Without those areas being fulfilled we are empty, passionless, and lack purpose. We become members of the legion of the unjazzed.

Take that risk. Try that new thing. Put yourself out there. Luck finds those who are willing to try and try again!

#RyonEsquire #NFLAlumni #BusinessConsultant #NfLAlumni #Model #Mindset #Leadership #Teamwork #Culture #Mind #Body #Spirit #BeLegendary


Curiosity Equals Interesting!


Do More of What Works and Less of What Doesn’t!