A Beautiful Life is a Result of Beautiful Choices!

If you want a beautiful life you must make beautiful choices.

Life is a sum of our choices. I like this saying, but it seems passive to me. It serves as a reminder that we are a result of our choices.

I prefer if you want a beautiful life make beautiful choices. This statement gives me hope. It reminds me that I have control over my choices and with a little intentionality I can live a beautiful life.

I can choose to forgive. I can choose to be kind. I can choose who and how I want to love. I can choose desciplain and hard work over laziness. I can choose to be a giver rather than a taker.

Life does not have to be just a summation of our choices. It can be an intentionally directed summation of our choices. I choose to live a beautful life! What type of life are you chooseing to live?

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