Numbers Do Not Explain Why!

As a business consultant I often wonder what makes me and my information different from other consultants? Regarding myself, I am different because of my experiences, mindset, learning. Regarding my information, in many ways it is not much different than any other consultant. Best practices are best practices for a reason.

It is the same for any product or service. At a basic level it is all the same. The difference is in the execution.

Knowing what to do is the easiest half of the battle. Actually implementing and consistently executing those best practices day in and day out is what separates average from extraordinary.

While attending a group meeting yesterday I noticed the different elements each amazing individual focused on. No surprise, for almost all of them, the focus was purely on the numbers. In their minds the  told the entire story.

Unfortunately, they are only seeing the result. The numbers do not explain why the result occurred. By only focusing on the end they do not know which element of process might need to be changed in order to directly effect that end result.

When you flip the script and focus on the fundamentals and process you unde and understand which element is effecting the end result. More importantly, you understand why and how that element is effecting the result. Once you understand the why you can develop solutions and implement change that will lead to your desired result.

Using numbers are a great measuring tool. They are a terrible guidepost. They are a lagging indicator of your process.

By focusing on the imputs you can control, measure, and effect the outputs. YOu proactively create the desired result rather than reactively reverse engineering why a particular result might have happened.

#RyonEsquire #NoLimits #NFLAlumni #BusinessConsultant #PeakPerformance #Mindset #Process #Results #Change #Focus #BeLegendary


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